Young composer Workshop

In a spirit of ongoing reflection on contemporary music creation, Sturm und Klang organizes a workshop every two years aimed at composers who are finishing their studies or starting their careers.

Organized in partnership with the Forum de la Création Musicale, these workshops offer the opportunity for 4 composers to work with the Sturm und Klang Ensemble over a weekend, around a composition written for the occasion, most often for a large ensemble: wind quintet, string quintet, and percussion.

The sessions, designed as a practical orchestration workshop, are conducted under the supervision of a renowned composer. During the rehearsal process, dialogue between composers, musicians, and the ensemble conductor is prioritized, allowing for a moment where the works being worked on are still open to modifications.

At the end of this short residency, the pieces are performed in a public concert and recorded.

Work organization:

Day 1: Two three-hour sessions supervised by the coach for correction/modification of scores.

Day 2: Three-hour working session and presentation concert.

This project encourages exchanges among young composers by providing them with the opportunity to confront their imagination and musical knowledge.

It also helps to circulate the works among musicians.

Participation in the workshop is free for composers.

Prospective participants are usually contacted based on recommendations from members of the Composers Forum. It is also possible to submit a spontaneous application for the next edition.