Mernier, Mahler, Berio

On Tuesday 23 april 2024

In Programs

A comparison between the depth of Gustav Mahler’s Lieder (selections from Des Knaben Wunderhorn and Rückert-Lieder, in a unique arrangement) and the subtle lightness of Berio’s Folk Songs, with Benoît Mernier’s Offering for voice and ensemble on a text by Tagore, written for Sturm und Klang in 2023, as a counterpoint.

11 musicians
violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, harp, two percussionists, and two vocalists

soloists : Sarah Laulan and Clara Inglese

Selections from Gustav Mahler (arranged by Adrien Tsilogiannis)

Des Knaben Wunderhorn : 
Der Tambursg'sell
Das irdische Leben
Verlorne Müh
Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht ?

Rückert-Lieder : 
Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder !
Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen

Program premiered in October 2023
at the "Les Voix en Ville" Festival in Sablon