The CD S’élancer by Adrien Tsilogiannis received the Snepvangers Prize

On Wednesday 04 september 2024

In News

The CD S’élancer, featuring the ensemble works of Adrien Tsilogiannis, has been honored with the Snepvangers Prize. This award recognizes outstanding Belgian musical productions and is part of the Caecilia Prizes given by the Belgian Music Press Union.

"Adrien Tsilogiannis, an assistant professor of Analytical Writing at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels and a cello instructor at the Schaerbeek Academy, stands out as one of Belgium's most talented composers of his generation. His musical language, decidedly modern, bears scattered traces of his admiration for composers like Kaija Saariaho, George Benjamin, Magnus Lindberg, and Salvatore Sciarrino. At 42 years old, however, Tsilogiannis refuses to be confined to any mold. In his dreamlike works, which often draw inspiration from literature, he embodies the roles of painter, poet, and musician all at once. Cypress once again demonstrates its foresight by releasing the first monographic album dedicated to this talented artist.

The album features five pieces composed between 2012 and 2022, all premiered by the unwavering partners of the composer: the remarkable Sturm und Klang ensemble, expertly led by Thomas Van Haeperen, alongside soprano Clara Inglese and tenor Lorenzo Caròla. Each score relies on a unique blend of timbres, showcasing Tsilogiannis' meticulous attention to the diversity of instrumental colors and textures. The transparency of the lines and polyphonic fabric, combined with a rich array of colors and a keen sense of rhythm and movement, transform these compositions into vivid tableau fantasies. This effect is further enhanced by the close, crystalline recording quality."

Olivier Vrins

Sturm prix caecilia
Sturm prix caecilia
Sturm prix caecilia